Friday, February 25, 2011

How Many Things Women Fake In Their Lives?

There are so many ways to fake your appearance it's ridiculous. Tans, hair, teeth, nails, boobs, brows, bikini lines, nose work... If you are a female and reading this, honestly look at yourself and count how many things you are faking? There are many, but have you asked yourself why?

Why us females go through hell, like self tanning which leave us looking like tandoori chickens. I have a friend who would go to a salon to have a new hair style, and when she comes home when her boyfriend does not like the hair style she will remove it the first thing in the morning. I would ask her why she go through that hell. Is she doing it for herself or for someone else. Another friend of mine could not open her eyes after the glue she used to put her extended eyebrows got into her eye by mistake. But why do we torture ourselves like this.

Why males do not have many fakes for their beauty. Are we more ugly than them. Why are they never go through this hardships to impress us? I think they are just confident than us full stop. Imagine in a month how much many of us spend on these fakes. Really for what? We put extensions for about R2000. 00 and the next thing before 2 weeks we take it out. It is old. We say.

My friend there is no fake that will make you beautiful, unless you feel beautiful inside. I do not have a problem with these artificial trends but what I am tying to say is, just look inside of yourself before you go outside. It will save you money, time and your body. Some of these fakes have permanent damage on the skin if they are not handled with care.

Embrace the beauty inside before you damage your only skin. You do not want to look like a chicken.

In our mother's time all wanted to look like barbie but in our time let us look like ourselves.

We are beautiful, when males can stay beautiful with their shaved beard and their bald heads why are we not beautiful the way we are?

When I was a teenager I had a lot of issues with the way I looked. I did not love myself enough because of the way people used to tell me how bad my body looked. I was fat at the time, in my late teen years I started taking care of my weight and I lost a lot of weight. Did I feel happy now that I was skinny no. I started to see other faults with my body. Is when I realized that in life you must love yourself before anyone can love you.

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