Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mother Magic

I liked watching birds in the olden days. The days when all my free time was spent looking after my grandfather's livestock with my brothers. I also liked following butterflies and even looking out for wild flowers. That should however not be mistaken as a romantic Kynyn. Anyway back to birds, I observed that female birds were usually very brightly feathered, attractive and organized. This, coupled with the fact that they always came back to the nest to cuddle and feed the young ones made them just adorable. Their male counterparts were of course seen rarely and could not be assigned a particular home.

This exactly compares with the human female. Beautiful on the outside and even more beautiful insides. It gets better with blood connection, especially when that woman happens to be your mother. Our mother's blood pumps everyday in our veins, their life flows in us all the time. This may be the reason why we always adore our mothers. Many of us will not take the slightest criticism towards our mums. Good or bad, very few people will take an insult to their mothers lying down. And the same way, very few mothers will abandon their children no matter their situation. They will fight for them with all it takes. Just like the elephants do.

Didn't our mothers bear the inconvenience of a swollen belly for nine months just to bring us to this world? Didn't they toil and moil all day long just to keep us fed. A mother is the one person that resigns last, when our friends give up on us and our lovers see us dispensable. With all that our mothers do for us, we owe them a lot. To reciprocate their undying love and their ever growing concern. Not to mention the supernatural magic that our mothers infect us with. While material items may make them happy, it is the quality time spent together once and again that scores very highly. A phone call when away does almost the same magic and keeps them appreciating and wishing us good. For the opposite can and will easily cost us all we are, all we have.

It gets difficult sometimes to keep appreciating our mothers, mostly because of tight schedules, distance and to some extent, lifestyle change. The latter is common especially where people rise up the social ladder and leave the rest of the family languishing. This is not exactly to say that we should not leave the cocoon of our lifestyles of birth, but rather, to warn us against changing what is in deep. There is more value in family than there is in social clubs for example. The social groups that we all like devoting our lives to are mostly out of convenience as well as for strategic reasons. On the contrary, family is part of us for ever and in all situations. So go ahead and appreciate your mother today.

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