Growing up in Toronto showed me that there were all kinds of walks of life. One of the biggest impacts on my life was a simple trip to Yorkdale as a young adult. It gave me the chance to see so many successful, young urban women who were doing something crazy....paying for their shoes with their own credit card. Crazy isn't it! I used to go to the mall with my mom and while she was looking around at the merchandise, I was admiring the freedom and independence that these women exuded. I remember saying right there and then, that is how I wanna be when I grow up.
Don't get me wrong, it's not that I never want to get married and have a family- just not yet. I have chosen to do something for myself first, which is become stable and independent. And guess what ( contrary to my grandmothers belief) I am not alone.
Recent statistics will tell you that the average age of people getting married has gone up. If I look at just my close group of girlfriends, most of us own our own condos, have a car and a career that we are working at. We still enjoy the night out with friends and meeting new people, but the only difference is that it happens less and we are on a more limited budget. This doesn't stop us from going out and enjoying the freedom to do what we feel like doing. Even those of us who are in relationships are holding on to our condos instead of moving in with the boyfriend to save money. Financial freedom is imperative to young women- now more than ever.
It's not about being rich or driving a nice car, instead it's about knowing that we can take care of ourselves and walk into our place at night saying "I did this". It is the most satisfying and rewarding feeling!
It occurred to me that this type of lifestyle may even make our relationships stronger and more successful- who knows? According to a BMO Retirement Institute study released in 2011: 40 per cent of women will divorce before their 30th wedding anniversary and a women's standard of living drops an average of 45 per cent the first year after divorce.
Some people might find these findings shocking- but not me. It is a personal choice to live alone, work hard and play hard. The choice itself might just be the reason we do it! The next chapter in life will include marriage and a family and I might even have to give up the safe haven of my condo, but at least I know that I did it and I can do it again should I need to or choose to!
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