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We know what we want, when we want. And we're not afraid to ask. When we find, we we're right all along. We relish and in the moment we bask. Call it women’s intuition. Anything you desire. Women are more intelligent than men. Women are so much higher. Women control their lives. We are strong and so not weak.

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Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Best Women's Magazine Subscriptions

Even though the Internet is filled with women's E-zines, websites, blogs, and communities, nothing compares to the real magazines. Magazine subscriptions are at an all time high, and for a good reason: women enjoy laying back and reading them. Women enjoy reading magazines while in waiting rooms, or when waiting on food at a restaurant. Nothing beats receiving new magazines in the mail every week or month.

If you're thinking about subscribing to a magazine or two, here are some of the best women's magazine subscriptions for you to take into consideration:

o VOGUE is without a doubt the leading magazine when it comes to women's fashion. Featuring well written articles, professional photography, and interesting editorials, Vogue is a must read for any woman interested in fashion and style.

o Harper's BAZAAR is often referred to as "the most exquisite" of women's fashion magazines. BAZAAR features fashions that are less mainstream than what is found in other magazines. This magazine is for women who are interested in cutting edge fashion, the latest celebrity news, and updates about the top models and fashion designers.

o For women who are interested in fitness, weight loss, mental health, nutrition, and diet, SHAPE magazine is a must have. SHAPE magazine features journal entries and articles about health issues written by well known journalists. Each issue is a must read, especially for those interested in having a healthy lifestyle. There is well written advice for women interested in losing weight, becoming fit, and improving their overall mental and physical health.

Other best women's magazine subscriptions include O, Woman's Day, Redbook, Cosmopolitan, Lucky, In Style, and more. These magazines feature issues that are important to all women. Health, relationships, financial success, entertainment, style, beauty, etc... all of these subjects, and more, can be found in all of the best women's magazines. Subscriptions for these magazines are very affordable and are worth every dime.

Written by Victoria Jugoman. Now you can get the latest details on women's magazine subscriptions as well as Monthly Magazine Subscription

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Christian Life & Women's Issues

As an effect of sin, humans are deeply driven toward autonomy, preferring to live independent of God's authority instead of within the shelter of his divine sovereignty. This is the temptation to which Eve would surrender. Instead of a life dependent on God, she evaluated on the basis of her self-appointed authority that the fruit of the forbidden tree was beautiful and an acceptable source for knowledge and sustenance. God was no longer necessary in her new view of the world because she chose instead to believe the twisted words of the serpent, that she could "be like God" (Gen 3:5). She quickly dismissed the distinction between herself, the created, and the Creator.

When faced with difficult life circumstances, we are called to submit to God's wisdom and authority and recognize our own insufficiency. It is true that scripture does not provide explicit answers for each and every situation, so while God's normative method of self-disclosure is not through audible voice, studying God's word is necessary to develop a biblical worldview that will enable godly reflection in the absence of obvious solutions. Trusting God in the midst of any degree of crisis is probably one of the the greatest challenges to living the Christian life.

Popular culture argues, on the other hand, that God, if he even exists, is irrelevant to just about everything. Religion, and specifically evangelical Christianity, is regarded as bigoted and narrow-minded, outside the scope of logic and reason. Christian truth claims are viewed as merely private values, but the "promise" of scientific progress and "hope" through human reason-with little room for ethical reflection-are believed to be neutral sources of information, and therefore, the source of truth for everyone. This way of thinking is dominant in the area of women's issues and is wielding great influence on the lives of women inside and outside of the church.

When biblical and theological reflection on women's issues is tolerated, it is usually through a theology of liberation known as feminist theology. This theology seeks primarily to free women from the oppression of what they describe as patriarchalism, referring to male headship or authority that demands unquestioned female submission. In this context, feminist theology argues that women are not really free due to an imbalance of power. This experience then becomes the interpretive grid to understand revelation, rather than revelation interpreting experience

Locating the meaning of scripture in one's own experience is the equivalent of dethroning God, taking his seat, and wearing his crown. It is an approach that fails to recognize God's authority over his entire creation, the exact problem Eve encountered as she replaced the revealed word of God with her own rationalizations. Our experiences can only describe how we live, they certainly do not prescribe how to live. Yet, this is not a matter of cold hard facts about the nature of God. God is the source of all that is true, he transcends all that is in the earth, yet he cares deeply about it and is closer than it may seem. Scripture reveals that our experiences do matter to God, he cares deeply about the problems we face and solutions we find.

At the core of "women's issues" is a long list of topics that matter to women. The list includes access to abortion, conception and contraception, careers, gender equity in the workplace, end-of-life health care, domestic violence and human trafficking. All issues of great significance to the every day lives of women, yet for the most part, not a part of the evangelical discussion within the walls of the church. Of course, there is a strong Christian voice in defense of the unborn and for the moral status of the embryo-and this voice needs to continue its bold proclamation. As well, there is an appropriate voice reacting against the ideology of secular feminism, a voice that rightly shows how this worldview fails women spiritually and in all other practical ways. What has been lacking, however, is a proactive voice intentionally educating women on these and related issues, a voice that teaches women to think through complicated life issues from a Christian worldview. Organizations like the National Organization for Women, the Feminist Majority, and NARAL have been declared by the dominant culture to be the source for addressing women's issues and equipping women to live triumphantly in this "patriarchal" society. The Christian community is quick to provide a response to these organizations and issues, but little education has been directed to the women in the pew, women of all ages, ethnicities and economic levels who have been or are potentially swayed by the seductive gospel of unfettered "women's rights."

It is erroneous to believe that with the assurance of salvation comes the instant ability to effectively reason through issues and achieve resolutions that are pleasing to God. The status of "born again" is not a guarantee that a young woman won't consider an abortion, because the dominant culture may have convinced her that the embryo is not really her child or that this is not actually a spiritual issue. A financially-strapped college student may have little knowledge of what is involved in selling her eggs, as an act of good-will to an infertile couple or for research purposes. She may not understand that this egg, when fertilized, is her biological child. What she has been told by the college "women's center" is that the egg is nothing more than tissue and a fertilized egg (an embryo) is nothing more than a "clump of cells." To top all that off, she probably has not been fully informed about the health risks in undergoing such a procedure.

A young married couple in the congregation may struggle with infertility and is willing to pursue the use of reproductive technologies to solve their heart-wrenching crisis. After three years of treatment, they may have 2 children, but four more children are in cryopreservation at the fertility clinic because the most economical route for their family was to have many embryos fertilized at one time. Still, there are other women who are entering into the Christian community, ashamed to talk to anyone about the abusive relationship they are in, fearing judgment, blame, and ridicule.

Right or wrong, women in the church are no less immune to the ideas of culture than are women outside of the church. When they hear "women's issues" or "women's rights," their attention is easily drawn toward these prominent voices as their message has completely saturated the culture we live in. There is no natural inclination toward a voice in the church, because that voice is difficult to locate. The fact is, women's issues are, indeed, women's issues, and the church is in a strategic and unique position to address them.

A Barna research study has recently reported that 60% of all who attend church are women, and around 25% of those attend church without their husbands. One reaction to this study was to point out the obvious, that few men are coming to church. Why? The church has been "feminized." The music, the paint, the activities-they simply aren't masculine enough, so men are staying home. As a result, some have decided that the solution is to de-feminize the church. Plan manly hunting trips, sports activities, and offer more of the older hymns that are obviously more masculine than the praise songs.

The motivation to have more men as members of the body of Christ is right and good, yet strangely, misguided. Please allow me to explain. God is pleased by the fact that so many women are attending church, giving freely of themselves financially, engaged in ministry activity, and so on. Women are present and eager to hear what the Lord has to teach them and how to apply it to their lives.

Young women, who are the next generation of mothers and leaders of all types, are there too, but often not very comfortable with the women's ministry of their mothers and grandmothers. Granted, few women's ministries are addressing "women's issues" proactively, but the young women are entering into youth group and college groups with little contextual opportunity to inquire or learn about these issues that will play a significant role in their lives far into the future. The church has a real opportunity to challenges the ideas of a culture fixated on being a god unto themselves by reaching the women the culture seeks to influence. That 60% of the church is comprised of women should be regarded as a call to a particular ministry; we can see positively that the glass is half full!

As women continue to be the primary caregivers of children and parents while also being a witness to great technological advancement, time must be invested in developing women to reflect on all of life through the lenses of faith. Grandmothers who believe that their grandchildren would have been better off aborted rather than going through the foster care system before arriving at her doorstep is not representative of a consistently applied Christian ethic, and yet this is the reality of a real woman who has professed faith in Christ for many years.

The desire for love, companionship, or children can drive any woman to solutions that do not necessarily cohere with godly wisdom, especially when the voices that he been assisting her in thinking about these issues have primarily belonged to secular feminism. The feminist movement in the early 20th century began with the noble pursuit to obtain for women the right to vote and to gain a substantive voice in society. Little of this noble effort remains in secular feminism, known today chiefly for its fight for unfettered reproductive freedoms. Secular feminism has been a lone voice for women in academics and in popular culture for the better part of the last 100 years. In a real sense, they have been women mentoring other women. For women in the church, now is the time to speak godly wisdom into issues that all women face. As a matter of discipleship and evangelism, we have an opportunity to show how dependence on God is not only the path to true wisdom, but also to righteousness.

For more information on this and other related topics, visit http://www.womenfaithculture.org

The mission of Women of Faith in Culture is to contribute to the spiritual growth of women through biblical, theological, and worldview education, bringing God's word to bear on all areas of life. We believe that equipping women in this respect best prepares them for living in today's world of ideas, in whatever sphere God has placed them. To this end, we endeavor to come alongside women's ministries in the local church, assisting in their call to evangelize and disciple women of all ages and backgrounds according to the Titus 2 mandate.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Driving Factors of Excellent Health

Studies in different areas of the world have tried to identify the common causes of extraordinary longevity. In Europe and Asia, certain villages, valleys, and islands are home to a large proportion of healthy octogenarians and nonagenarians. This is the case of Sardinia in Italy and Okinawa in Japan.

Medical research has identified the elements in local diet that help residents maintain an excellent health at an advanced age. Some factors, such as landscape and climate, are linked to specific areas; other determinants, those of a more general nature, can contribute positively to human vitality irrespective of geography.

It stands to reason that the driving factors of extraordinary longevity must correspond to those of excellent health. The issue is to identify elements that we can take up in our daily life without incurring disproportionate effort and expense.

Even if we possessed evidence that some exotic herb is the key to excellent health, such knowledge would be of little help to people who cannot afford to purchase that plant on a regular basis. What we need are ideas that are, at the same time, beneficial and workable.

The island of Sardinia, located in the Mediterranean Sea, is a favourite vacation destination for many Europeans. Its weather and landscape, however beautiful and pleasant, are not much different from other locations around the world. This factor alone renders the study of longevity in Sardinia particularly interesting.

Lessons drawn from the diet in Sardinia can be applied in other regions of the globe. This aspect is crucially important, since studies conducted in other areas of the world often link the enviable physical condition of youthful nonagenarians to herbs and plants that are unavailable to the populations of other countries.

Another remarkable outcome of the research carried out in Sardinia lies in the apparent simplicity of the formula. In contrast, if you have read any modern book on nutrition, you will have noted the extreme complexity of the advice it presents. Page after page are filled with long lists of recommendations and tables showing the specific dosage of each ingredient. Who can remember all that?

Like in business, success in health matters tends to depend on just a few factors. Minute instructions telling salesmen how to close a deal are useless in a commercial environment. Life is too fast for knowledge that cannot be summarized in a small number of consistent principles. The human mind is constructed to reduce knowledge to the essential and forget cumbersome details.

What are the few factors behind the excellent health of the elderly living in Sardinia? The conclusions of the research can be presented in five rules that are logical and easy to remember. These recommendations can be practised inexpensively by individuals in most countries of the world.

[1] Eat fresh food, above all vegetables and fruit: This truth may seem deceptively self-evident. In reality, few people make the effort to select fresh ingredients for their meals. The great majority of packaged food, whether intended for breakfast or dinner, does not contain fresh vegetables or fruit.

If you eat out frequently, you might go a long time without tasting fresh ingredients, except for the occasional salad. Can you figure out alternatives so that you consume more vegetables and fruit? What can you do to reduce your dependence on packaged food?

The reason why few people consume fresh food has to do more with inconvenience than expense. Eating fresh fruit and produce requires frequent visits to the supermarket, to the detriment of more pleasurable activities. Are you willing to make the necessary effort to protect your health?

[2] Use olive oil: Extra virgin olive oil is consumed widely in Mediterranean countries. Italian, Greek, and Spanish cooking include olive oil as necessary ingredient in many dishes, as well in salads, marinades, and sauces. The use of butter and margarine for cooking is considered an inferior choice for your health.

The retail price of olive oil has diminished in the last decade due to changes in packaging. The traditional dark green glass bottle has been replaced by a hard plastic bottle of the same colour, which seems to preserve the characteristics of olive oil equally well.

If you don't live in a region where olive oil is in abundant supply, you might have to pay a few additional dollars per bottle. All in all, the decision to incorporate extra virgin olive oil in your diet might increase your food budget by a couple of hundred dollars per year, which is a modest investment if you consider the advantages for your health.

[3] Lemons and oranges: Citrus fruits contain high doses of vitamin C, which reinforces our immune system and helps combat cardiovascular disease. Vitamin C is also known to protect human cells against the accumulation of noxious substances.

Fresh oranges and lemons are available in most regions of the world at reasonable price, depending on the season. Grapefruit, papaya, strawberries, and mango are good substitutes for oranges and lemons.

Amongst the vegetables, vitamin C is also abundant in spinach and broccoli. Irrespective of your place of residence, eating citrus or similar fruits is an affordable habit that you should acquire.

[4] Eat fish often and, occasionally, lean meat: The reason behind this recommendation lies in the beneficial type of fat that is present in fish. Fish, in particular oily fish such as mackerel and sardines, is rich in a type of fat known as "omega-3." This element has proven to reduce dangerous cholesterol in human beings.

Fresh fish is a major component of the traditional Greek, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese diets. Unfortunately, this dietary habit has declined in the last decades, leading to an overall deterioration of the health level of the population.

Wild salmon, whose consumption is known to be particularly beneficial, is neither part of the traditional diet of Sardinia nor widely available across the world. Luckily, in most countries, you can find at least one or two types of fish that are affordable. Eating fish is a habit that you can easily take up and which can bring substantial advantages to your health.

[5] Drink moderately and mainly red wine: The red wine produced in Sardinia, in particular the type known as "vino nero" due to its dark colour, contains high doses of poly-phenol. This element, which comes from grape skins, has been proven to have a positive effect on the human cardiovascular system.

The consumption of red wine might explain why extraordinary longevity in Sardinia is mostly a male characteristic. Octogenarian and nonagenarian women are also present in the island, but their number does not reach the unusual proportion of healthy elderly men.

Red wines produced in other countries may contain less poly-phenol, but a moderate consumption should also produce a beneficial outcome for your health unless there are specific reasons that advise against your consuming any alcohol at all. Quality red wine is available around the world at reasonable price and most people love its taste.

If you want to improve your overall health, forget about complicated rules. In the field of business, successful entrepreneurs know that the best results are obtained by concentrating energies on essential areas. Similarly, when it comes to enhancing our vitality, we will be better off if we acquire a few effective and pleasurable habits.

JOHN VESPASIAN writes about rational living and is the author of the books "When everything fails, try this" and "Rationality is the way to happiness." He has resided in New York, Madrid, Paris and Munich. His stories reflect the values of entrepreneurship, tolerance and self-reliance. See http://johnvespasian.blogspot.com a blog about rational living.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Impact of Natural Beauty Tips

Our health is one of the most important issues in our lives. Since we mainly depend on our physical aspects to survive and be productive it is right to pay more attention on our health above from anything else. However aside from the physiological needs of the human beings, there is a certain portion or area of their lives that also requires satisfaction. The social needs of an individual have something to do with his or her self. It mainly focuses of the things that affect the social behavior of a person.

The term social is used to define the activity between a human being and his or her society. A society is composed of several personalities. Culture also plays an important role in the establishment of the society's identity. Different personalities can be found in a certain society. Conflict is mainly the product of disagreement or dissatisfaction in a certain place. It could be due to the different and distinct personalities of several people who are sharing a common place to live.

One of the greatest concerns in the society is the physical appearance of a person. It could be sometimes unfair to judge a person base on his or her physical appearance. However it already became a trend in the society. Almost all individuals in a certain place are more likely to choose and discuss about those individuals who have pleasing personalities. They even become the subject of bunch of gossips and other issues.

It is indeed an edge to have a pleasing personality. If you have a pretty face it is surely easy for you to spread your talents. According to psychologists the physical qualities of a person are the greatest factors that could affect his or her level of confidence. It is indeed difficult to gain self confidence especially if you are not sure with yourself. Self confidence is often the product of good communication and appreciation from other individuals.

However the feelings of inferiority of a person must not be treated in a very negative way. According to psychologists, feelings of inferiorities are necessary for a person to strive for superiority. It could play as the major reason for a person to move forward against any form inferiorities. It motivates and stimulates a person establish his or her own identity in a socially accepted manner.

Some individuals are also pleased to engage in natural beauty tips to acquire confidence. A natural beauty tip includes different ways of protecting and caring for your entire self. It also focuses on how to become a good looking person inside and out. Organic beauty products are also part of the natural beauty tips. However the process of applying those products in the best manner is the main focus of the natural beauty tips. It also encourages men and women to become more responsible when it comes to their health.

You are not obliged to stay beautiful to everyone, however your body deserves to experience the finest way of preserving your natural beauty by learning about the latest natural beauty tips. Don't just let it down and learn how to love the sweet thing about preserving your own natural beauty. Follow here for more details on how you can enhance yourself and gain more confidence.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Recommended Vitamins For Women That You Should Not Take For Granted

Women are created differently from men, that is why it shouldn't surprise you to know that the recommended vitamins for women are often not the same kinds that would be prescribed to men. Women, apparently, go through many changes as they age. Hormonal imbalances may occur sooner or later, and these can cause more painful menstrual periods, emotional disturbances and anxiety, just to name a few. Weight gain, wrinkles, crow's feet, and other signs of ageing are common issues that adult women face, and for most, maintaining a youthful glow and healthy body becomes a priority.

In order to address all these issues and achieve wellness, women need to stuff themselves with with beta-carotene, Vitamins A, C, D, E, the B Vitamins, and Folic Acid. Vitamin A is essential in keeping the bones and teeth healthy, thereby preventing dental problems and osteoporosis. Likewise, Vitamin D also plays a big role in the health of the bones and teeth, but it has another major function - preventing or at the very least limiting the intensity of PMS.

The essential vitamins for women also include Vitamin E, known to have powerful antioxidant properties. It is especially recommended for reproductive health and in the maintenance of healthy skin. Many beauty and hair products, in fact contain good amounts of it, as if to confirm it's title as the beauty vitamin. The role of Vitamin K cannot be underestimated, either. Primarily involved in blood clotting, it would help improve heart health and prevent heart diseases.

If you are already in the menopausal stage, you should never skimp on Vitamin B6 and B12. They have been found to help immensely in keeping one's hormones within the normal levels, improve immunity, and stimulate the brain. Vitamin 12, meanwhile is geared towards improving nerve function and improving memory and immunity.

Then of course, there's Vitamin C, which every woman, adult or not, must have in her body in sufficient amounts. Even during your elementary days, the wondrous benefits of Vitamin C, especially when it comes to immunity and healing, have already been emphasized. Years later, you would still hear how great, wonderful, and essential Vitamin C is. Actually, it would become more essential now than ever before because your body's defenses are already weak, and so you need more C to give them a little shove.

Just as important is the vitamin Folic acid. If you have been pregnant before, you must have experienced your doctor prescribing Folic acid from the early days of your pregnancy up to the last. This is because Folic acid is seen to prevent neural tube and birth abnormalities. Yet even if you are not pregnant, as a woman you'll still benefit greatly by taking Folic acid since this helps prevent anemia.

When looking for specific vitamins for women, look for a supplement that has most if not all of these vitamins present.

Visit website: http://www.bestnutritionsupplements.com

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Variety Of Women Magazines In Canada

With so many magazines on the market, it is easy to find something geared specifically to all kinds of interests and demographics. For instance, women magazines continue to be very popular with all kinds of readers. Magazines geared toward women vary from health to fashion to celebrities. There are many women magazines targeted to teens and baby boomers as well as families and self-help. Many of these are Canadian magazines that either originates in the country or that are targeted to Canadians all over the world.

In fact, Zoomer, the voice of the Canadian Association of Retired Persons, targets Canadians over 45 with information on various subjects such as beauty, culture, fashion, grooming, health, longevity, personal finance, sex and travel. Along with fun and informative views on pop culture, fashion, food and wine, Zoomer also features policy advocating on issues relevant to those who are retired or reaching retirement age as well as serious discussions on aging. Many well-known writers such as Sally Armstrong, Arthur Black, Marni Jackson, John Lorinc, Gordon Pape and Elizabeth Renzetti bring their views and expertise to the table.

Women with a penchant for fashion may enjoy one of Canada's premier fashion magazines, Flare. Within its pages, women can find beauty tips for hair makeup and skin along with health and fitness information. Celebrity profiles accompany fashion news from both Canadian and international designers and one can find out where to shop for those new products reviewed in the magazine. Furthermore, every month Flare offers giveaways and grab bags to many lucky readers.

Other women magazines such as Hello, keep readers in touch with their favorite Canadian and international celebrities. This glossy, oversized weekly takes readers inside celebrity lives with lively, upbeat stories and colorful photos inside their homes. This magazine also follows the lives of royal families all over the world, particularly the British royal family. Those who like to be up close and personal with the glitterati may most enjoy Hello!

One of Canada's most popular women magazines is Chatelaine. This monthly focuses more on everyday living with food and drink recipes for a special occasion or any other time. It also features health and wellness advice and in-depth features of women telling their personal stories along with advice on taking care of the home on all its fronts. Pop culture aficionados can find the latest information in books, films and shows while fashionistas can get ideas on beauty, fashion and home decor.

Other Canadian magazines such as longtime staple Maclean's does not target only women, but this weekly current affairs magazine features investigative reporting on many issues including business, culture, international affairs, national politics and social issues. Those living in the Toronto area can look to Toronto Life + Fashion to get to know the city and check out with events, restaurant, shopping facilities and other features make the city worthwhile. Of course, there are many other women magazines and Canadian magazines from which to choose focusing on more specific interests and issues.

Beauty and the Breast Issues - Looking Good Post-Cancer

Do you have breast issues? Has breast cancer nodded its ugly head toward you? As a two-time survivor, I'll share some of my musings on beauty and the breast.

Weight gain

Breast cancer patients often gain weight from treatment. This fact escaped me when I first underwent treatment with chemotherapy. One reason is chemo-induced fatigue, resulting in decreased activity. Another is steroids contained in pre-chemo medications. 
To combat these effects, patients should eat a balanced diet of lean proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and healthful fats in moderate amounts. In addition, cancer survivors should invest in exercise if at all possible. Once chemo was through, I hit the gym. One study reveals that 150 minutes of aerobic exercise five times a week lowered a patient's risk of dying from breast cancer. Any amount of exercise beats sitting around.

After the second round of chemotherapy, my hair seriously started to shed. I chose to shave my head so my hair wouldn't fall out in clumps. Then I headed to the local American Cancer Society (ACS) office, which provided a plethora of nice-looking complimentary wigs from which I could choose. They also supplied me with wig shampoo and styling advice. What a blessing to have these services available!
I asked my oncology nurses about taking a drug to grow my hair back more quickly. They weren't enthusiastic about any medical remedies. Since I had wigs and didn't desire to apply another topical treatment besides hair coloring, I scrapped the notion of a follicle-sprouting lotion.
Eventually my hair did grow back. After yearly treatment with Herceptin, however, it did not return as thick as before. Further, the daily pill Arimidex I take to reduce chances of recurrence causes hair thinning. To counter this, my hairdresser advised using Nioxin hair-thinning system, consisting of shampoo, conditioner, and treatment spray. After three months of use we noticed new hair sprouting. Mousses, volumizers, and thickening gels with wheat protein may also create the illusion of thicker manes. 
Skin Products

Cancer treatment can cause skin to dry out. Our local dermatologist gives monthly free skin-care advice to patients undergoing chemo or radiation. At his sessions he not only talked about how and why cancer treatments affect the skin, hair, and nails, but also showed us how to use cosmetic products correctly. We learned that creams are better than lotions in moisturizing the skin. Best of all, he handed out free samples of skin products in generous quantities.  

Another beauty symbol rife with breast issues involves fingernails. Chemo caused permanent ridges to form on mine, and Herceptin gave them the consistency of tissue paper until the drug left my system. "Sally Hansen Hard as Nails" nail polish helped to strengthen them. At my dermatologist's urging I also took biotin supplements to counteract nail brittleness as Herceptin coursed through my veins. I continue on biotin, as I believe it makes a difference. Before taking any supplements, however, patients should consult their oncologist.

The program "Look Good ... Feel Better" offered by the ACS is well worth the time invested. This free service is dedicated to educating cancer survivors about beauty techniques to help restore their appearance and self-image during treatments.  Cosmetologists taught us the best way to apply makeup. We also received hundreds of dollars of free cosmetics as a favor bag from this "party." My take-away message?  Blush and lipstick work color magic on faces pale from chemo.  And they take so little time to apply!
Reconstruction or Prosthesis

One of the largest breast issues is the decision whether to have reconstruction. For personal and medical reasons I opted against this procedure after my double mastectomy. To many women who undergo disfiguring surgery, however, reconstruction is an image-saver. 
I discovered that my local ACS office offers a large assortment of free prostheses and mastectomy bras.  Governments may require insurance companies to cover purchases of this sort; the patient seeking faux breasts should investigate all possibilities so she can look and feel her best in public.   


Since my cancer journey I have discovered jewelry of every style, color and shape.   Each piece helps brighten my day.  I found my post-chemo short hair looks cool with dangly earrings. But rings provide a challenge for me, a lymphedema patient. I have solved the dilemma by wearing my wedding band on my unaffected hand and buying rings with elastic bands so I can still dress up fingers on my swollen hand. We survivors are ever resourceful as we face each new trial.  
I pray that these musings on breast issues will help you sort through truths you can use when dealing with the modern-day obsession with beauty. Like objects in a side-view mirror, beauty is closer than you think.

A former attorney, Jan Hasak authored Mourning Has Broken: Reflections on Surviving Cancer (Xulon Press 2008). In this memoir she shares her long journey through two bouts with breast cancer.

Listed on the National Cancer Survivor Day Speaker's Bureau roster, Ms. Hasak addresses myriad audiences, tackling topics from cancer and lymphedema to the benefits of exercise and writing. She especially seeks to share her experiences with fellow cancer survivors.

Ms. Hasak is currently penning a work called The Pebble Path, an inspirational allegory of her cancer ordeal, interlaced with poetry.

To learn more, please visit her website at http://www.janhasak.com/ She can be reached by e-mail at jan@janhasak.com.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tips For Women Over 50 Who Want to Look Better Than Ever

Women over 50 are looking better than ever before and have more options open to help them achieve that. We are healthier than previous generations, have more vitality and we want our faces and bodies to display that. In addition to helping us compete in the marketplace, looking our best is marvelous for our self esteem and our attitude towards life. If you feel you are not quite there yet, here are a few things you can do to jumpstart the process.

Stress Causes Frown Lines so Takes Steps to Reduce It
Meditation is a great way to reduce stress. It can be difficult to learn in the beginning however once you have reduced the mindless chatter in your brain you will feel a deep sense of peace. Done regularly twice a day for 20 minutes in the morning and the afternoon, one of the side effects of meditation that you may notice is increased intuition. Steven Covey talks about "Sharpening the Saw" or time spent in renewal. Meditation is one of the best exercises, I know of, for doing just that.

Exercise for Vitality and Increased Flexibility
Staying active now will prevent many health related issues later in life. Choose some aerobic, some stretching and some weight lifting to get a good balance in your exercise routine. Many more types of exercise are available today than ever before; from pole dancing which is extremely strenuous, to belly dancing, yoga, salsa dancing, kick boxing and martial arts as well as the traditional aerobic and weight classes. Exercising not only keeps your body fit, it stimulates synapses and dendrites in your brain.

Eat Healthy Foods and Use Supplements for Optimum Nutrition
You've heard it before "You are what you eat." Choosing healthy nutritious foods not only helps nourish your body and brain but also your skin. By improving your nutrition and water intake you will revitalize every cell in your body. Supplements are a great way to optimize your nutrition when life gets too busy. Learn to be selective in what you consume and your vitality will soar.

Eliminate Negativity and Negative People in Your Life
Give up gossip. Negativity is a drain on your mental resources and your health. Choose to be around people and places that nourish your soul. It is hard to let people leave your life when they have been friends for a long time however their negativity hurts not only themselves, it drains you. Be a source of joy in other people lives and watch your own life flourish.

Take Personal Time for You
Take a couple of hours a week to spend on things you love to do. You can share this time with friends or use it as solitary time to focus on your goals and aspirations. Getting up early in the morning when everyone else is asleep can be a very productive time for many people because there are no interruptions. The same can be true of time spent after everyone else has gone to bed.

Small steps over a few weeks time integrating some of these ideas into your life will reap many benefits; a sense of peace and contentment, more energy and vitality, better health, a happier lifestyle and a renewed sense of accomplishment. Aren't you worth it? Find what works for you and "Make your life a mission not an intermission!"

For more FREE expert advice on how to present a perfect, personal image please visit dalegrove.com.

Beauty at Any Cost - Helping Young Women Avoid This Dangerous Trap

It's no secret that our society and the media have established and continue to promote an idyllic, almost impossible, standard of beauty that women consistently judge themselves against and are always aspiring to achieve.

With the advent of readily available cosmetic surgery and treatments, this quest has reached a new fever pitch. By one estimate, American women spend almost $7 billion dollars a year on products used in the pursuit of beauty.

And we've all seen or heard stories of women addicted to Botox or plastic surgery -some have had so many nips and tucks that their faces resemble cartoon characters and still they want more! These extreme cases are the casualties of a popular culture that is saturated with images of airbrushed, over sexualized, and perfectly coiffed celebrities and models that can make even the most confident of us feel a little insecure or inadequate at times.

The extent of this problem was documented in a 2008 report released by the YWCA called "Beauty At Any Cost". The report underscores the substantial health implications for women on the endless treadmill of "unrealistic beauty attainment." Through chronic and unhealthy dieting, using smoking as a weight-loss aide, taking unnecessary risks during cosmetic surgical procedures, and absorbing unsafe chemicals through cosmetics, women are placing themselves in precarious health situations to maintain some semblance of their idealized physical selves. Women and girls are at risk for lifelong health problems - and the problems start at an early age.

Add to the mix a $50 billion a year unregulated cosmetics industry that puts unlimited amounts of chemicals into personal care products with no required testing or monitoring of health effects, ready to profit from these narrow beauty standards to convert women and girls into life-long customers. Many of these companies go to great lengths to market to teens and "tweens" (8 to 12 year olds) as part of this goal. Their emphasis is on creating cheap products that appeal to this demographic with little or no regard for the potential health or environmental impact of the chemicals used to produce them.

Clearly, young girls and teens are more vulnerable and susceptible to harm than ever before. However, with a little guidance they can learn to make safer, healthier choices for themselves and set an example for their peers.

What can you do to help the young girls and teens you know avoid falling into this trap? Here are some guidelines that you can use:

1. The Buck Starts and Stops with You

Most children are influenced by the behaviors and attitudes of their parents and caretakers. So it's up to you to set the bar for what's acceptable. If you want your daughters, nieces, or younger sisters to adopt healthy habits then make sure you are doing the same. Take a look at your inventory of cosmetics and personal care products and eliminate those that contain ingredients that are known to be harmful. If you're not sure where to start, check the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Cosmetics Safety Database available online.

Their comprehensive database contains over 25,000 cosmetics and skin care products from both major companies and smaller ones you may not even know. The products have all been researched, catalogued, and ranked for safety concerns based on currently available data on toxicity of their ingredients. The database also provides lists of the Top 10 Worst and Best Products and Companies based on their ratings.

Show them how to use the database and make it clear that you will not fund the purchase of products that have been ranked with high safety concerns.

2. Turn Them Into Smart Shoppers

Share your concerns with them about the safety of many beauty products on the market and how even small amounts of repeated exposure to certain ingredients can cause harm. Teach them how to read product labels and look for problem ingredients to avoid.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires ingredients to be listed in descending order of concentration. So ingredients listed at the top are the most prevalent and the ones to pay more attention to.

Teens Turning Green (formerly Teens for Safe Cosmetics) has compiled a list of chemicals in personal care products to avoid called the Dirty Thirty. You can download it at their site. Review the list together, then use it as a guide for reading labels and ruling out the products that contain them.

3. Encourage Them to Take Action

There's nothing more powerful than kids and teens united and engaged in action to promote a worthy cause, and what could be a worthier cause than their health and safety? Encourage them to learn more about this issue and how they can get involved to make a difference.

Whether it's action to pressure the government to regulate cosmetics, or participating in consumer boycotts that force companies to change in response to trends in the marketplace, or joining groups that teach and promote self-esteem and healthy body images -- all of these activities serve to enlighten them and reinforce the positive messages that will ultimately lead them to make better choices and influence their friends to do the same.

4. Turn Them On To Greener Alternatives and Make it Fun

Throw a spa party at your home for your daughters and their friends and introduce them to the ever-growing variety of safe and healthy skin care products, natural scents, and cosmetics available, and make it "cool" for them to explore and indulge their senses. Make it a recurring event so that they have a chance to be constantly exposed to a lot of new and different products.

Or take them to the local health food store for a shopping spree where you can review and compare the products together and make it a contest to see who picks the best ones first. Remember, just because a product is sold in a health food or natural product store, it doesn't mean that product is safe or natural. It can be an excellent teaching moment to help them (and you) become a truly discerning shopper.

5. Reward Them for Making Good Choices

Focus your efforts on helping them make the best possible choices and then reward them for it. Make sure that the rewards you give them are in line with what you are trying to teach them. In other words, don't reward good choices in one arena with bad choices in another (i.e. taking them out for junk food or offering them candy).

If you succeed in convincing them that personal care products made with organic ingredients are better, there's a good chance you can convince them that organic foods and foods made without chemicals and additives are also better for them!

Copyright 2009 Dropwise Essentials

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Donya Fahmy, is a green business owner and the creator of Dropwise Essentials' spa-quality aromatherapy body products that help you safely relieve stress, increase vitality, improve confidence, or simply manage your emotional state any time or place without popping a pill. For more free tips and valuable information visit http://www.Dropwise.com and subscribe to the Dropwise Health & Beauty News Ezine or blog feed.

Dropwise Essentials is a San Francisco-based manufacturer of pure aromatherapy and organic plant-based personal care products that give people a safe and effective way to relieve stress, increase vitality, improve confidence, or manage their emotional state any time or place without popping a pill. Our products are:

* Free of synthetic chemicals and petroleum ingredients

* Made with high quality certified organic oils and pure essential oils sourced from around the world

* Packaged in re-usable or recyclable materials

* Hand-made locally in northern California

Dropwise Essentials was founded by Donya Fahmy, a writer, producer, and consultant whose avid interest in the curative powers of aromatherapy and herbs ultimately led her to design and create the seven products and seventeen unique essential oil blends that make up the current Dropwise product line. She has studied aromatherapy with Carol Schiller --a successful author of several aromatherapy books-- and with Dr. Daniel Penoel --a renowned expert in the field of medical aromatherapy.

Dropwise Essentials is a proud member of the Indie Beauty Network (formerly the Handmade Beauty Network), the Green America Business Network (formerly Co-op America), Green Product Alliance, Natural Ingredient Resource Center, and a Friend of PETA. We were among the first companies to join the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics by signing their Compact for Safe Cosmetics which simply formalizes our existing commitment to formulate products free of known or potentially toxic ingredients.

Monday, April 18, 2011

FusionBeauty LipFusion LipFusion Minis Collection 1 set

FusionBeauty LipFusion LipFusion Minis Collection 1 setMicro Collagen Lip Plump Color Shine
6 x Net. Wt. 0.05 oz / 1.5 g
Perfectly plumped lips, instantly. (No waiting. No kidding.)
Finally, a lip plumper that really plumps in beautifully sheer, shine-intensive shades!
LipFusion harnesses the clinically proven plumping and hydrating powers of new patented marine collagen-filling spheres™ to create a beautiful full-out pout.
Delivers a revolutionary collagen that has been dehydrated in order to diffuse into lips and use the lips' natural water for instant plumping.
Naturally luscious, full kissable lips for up to 48 hours.
May cause irritation.
Many products claim "collagen' as a featured ingredient when, in truth, the collagen molecules are too large to penetrate the skin. LipFusion harnesses the clinically proven plumping and hydrating powers of new, patented marine collagen-filling spheres™, a technology that dehydrates the collagen molecule into tiny microspheres, in order to penetrate and then search for the body's natural water to re-hydrate creating a beautifully natural, full-out pout.
Tested on scientists, not animals.
Lipfusion Lip Plumper and Color Shine formulas have earned the prestigious Good Housekeeping Seal.
Fusion Beauty™
Tomorrow's Technology for Beauty Today.
Made in USA


Click here to buy from Amazon

Nose Up Lifting Shaping Beauty Clip

Nose Up Lifting Shaping Beauty Clip100% Brand New Nose Up Lifting Shaping Clip. Use this to help shape and lift your nose without the need for expensive plastic surgery. Just use approximately 15 minutes a day. Please stop use immediately if discomfort is felt.

Please Note: Returns on garments and personal items such as hair and skin care products are only acceptable for return if they are unused and in the original condition you received it in, with all original packaging and no signs of use. The product is subject to final inspection before your return is processed.

Price: $14.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Sephora: The Ultimate Guide to Makeup, Skin, and Hair from the Beauty Authority

Sephora: The Ultimate Guide to Makeup, Skin, and Hair from the Beauty Authority

Ever wonder what it's like to have your own personal team of beauty experts, advising you on how to look and feel knockout-gorgeous every day? Or have you ever questioned what exactly goes on inside the creative minds of beauty industry heavy-hitters? Step into the pages of Sephora, where the top beauty authorities give you access to their private domains. Spend the day with Vincent Longo backstage at fashion week, create red carpet—worthy hair with celebrity hair stylist Oscar Blandi, master the smoky eye with Hollywood's hottest makeup artists, and take a tour of Dr. Nicholas Perricone's kitchen with his refrigerator full of skin-perfecting foods.

In Sephora: The Ultimate Guide to Makeup, Skin, and Hair from the Beauty Authority, fashion and beauty journalist and former Sephora beauty editor Melissa Schweiger personally introduces the people behind some of your favorite brands and fills this gorgeous book with the beauty secrets usually reserved for insiders. Each photo-packed page brims with words of wisdom and expert advice from the creators of and authorities on more than two hundred classic and emerging beauty brands sold at Sephora, including LORAC, Smashbox, Too Faced, Dr. Perricone, Frédéric Fekkai, and many, many more.

Each chapter is designed to mimic a Sephora store's "try everything" vibe while revealing the finest beauty tips and tricks for getting creative with cosmetics. From an A-to-Z glossary of terms and ingredients and a shopping guide to the best products, to detailed explanations of how to properly use cosmetic tools, Sephora is the complete beauty package that no woman will want to be without.

Price: $27.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Swedish Beauty Pink Diamond Dark Bronzing Systeme Tingle Power T2 8.5 Oz.

Swedish Beauty Pink Diamond Dark Bronzing Systeme Tingle Power T2 8.5 Oz.Title: PINK DIAMOND

By: Swedish beauty

Fragrance: Citrus Cranberry

Product Description: Dark bronzing formula with gentle tingle and hemp.

* Natural bronzing extracts

* Instant dark results that lasts 1 to 2 days.

* Anti aging and slimming formula.

Size: 8.5oz/ 250ml

All our products are 100% original and unopened.

Buy with confidence and thank you for visiting my auctions.

Retail Price: $31.00

Price: $30.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Swisa Beauty, Dead Sea Facial Peel, 1.01-Ounce

Swisa Beauty,  Dead Sea Facial Peel, 1.01-OunceVital anti-aging Dead Sea minerals are infused with life giving anti-oxidant ingredients including, Echinacea, Ginseng, Rosemary, and Green Tea Extract. With a simple gentle swirling motion of the fingers, whiteheads, blackheads, and dead skin are effortlessly removed. At the same time, the legendary properties of the Dead Sea minerals work uniquely to retain and attract moisture, maintaining the delicate PH balance of your face. Sensation Beauty Dead Sea Facial Peel combines the robust citrus aroma of grapefruit with the delicate scent of rosemary. Vital anti-aging Dead Sea Minerals are infused with life giving anti-oxidant ingredients including, Echinacea, Ginseng, Rosemary, and Green Tea Extract. With a simple gentle swirling motion of the fingers, whiteheads, blackheads, and dead skin are effortlessly removed. At the same time, the legendary properties of the Dead Sea minerals work uniquely to retain and attract moisture, maintaining the delicate PH balance of your face. 1oz/30ml

Price: $32.38

Click here to buy from Amazon

Friday, April 15, 2011

Is beauty: makeup: must be a?

You are a woman who was thought to change its appearance? For many women, thinking is all that they do. With beauty, being an important question in life, especially for many women, many are afraid to make radical changes. This is leading to a relatively low number of women to get makeup each year. With this in mind, there are a number of reasons why should be considered less subject to a change of image.

One of the many reasons why you can get a change of image is because it can help to improve their appearance, as indicated above. Unfortunately, when it is to improve the techniques of appearance, many individuals that only drastic measures, such as cosmetic surgery or weight loss. Yes, these methods can help you improve your physical appearance, but can be expensive. A change of image is a simple and cost-effective way to improve their physical appearance. When they undergo a change of image, you may have made hair, applied professional make-up, as well as make a manicure.

To improve their appearance, subjected to a change of image can help relieve stress that could suffer. This occurs in a number of different ways. First, when they undergo a change of image, the Professional however is to do all the work; all you need to do is just sit and relax. Second, improve the appearance or even simply a change of small aspect has been known to boost the morale of many women, but also help revive the tensions which could suffer.

Perhaps the biggest reason why must think about a change of image is because it is fun. Makeovers are ideal, alone or with a group of friends. It is something interesting about how to obtain a change of image, even if it is not eternal. It is also important to mention that many make-up or beauticians specialists give freedom on its renewal, as would what love and how. In addition, to give freedom to its renewal, it is possible that your aesthetician will also propose his own professional experience.

In terms of experience, you will find professional estheticians to many years of experience in the work and training under his belt. The experience of the aesthetic make their make-up is another of the many reasons why should be considered less subject to a change of image. As well as provide you with professional results, you can also use make-up as an educational tool. For example, if your renewal includes the application of make-up, you can learn treated tips, tricks, and techniques. When we think from this perspective, a change of image can not only improve your image now, but in the future as well.

The reasons above are only some of the many reasons why should be considered at least subject to a professional rejuvenation cure. If you want to use a change as a way to have fun and relieve your stress, please contact your local salons of beauty, spas or hairdressers. These establishments can be found by those who know to request recommendations, using internet or local directory. If you prefer to submit to its renewal in the comfort of your home, you can report a change of address. Majority of the beauticians, especially those who are self-employed, it would be more than ready to welcome you and at a relatively affordable price.

Despite what may have been heard in the past, the makeovers are not just for large social events such as weddings. If you want, you can obtain a renewal at almost any how over time, even for no reason at all. Of course, the decision of wish or not undergo a change of image, it is his decision, but you may want to take into account the points raised in this decision.

Pregnancy: birth control options

A woman who is currently not certain that it is ready for the family planning you? If so, you are active sexually? If you are, you use any form of birth control? Parenting and pregnancy are important issues, which are difficult to go back. If you do not want to be a mother, is therefore important that you take the time to familiarize yourself with all the options of birth control.

The best known and most popular birth control method is perhaps the use of condoms. Condoms, in most cases, are very effective against the prevention of pregnancy. In rare cases, may be broken or lost, but it is usually safe. Make sure you simply buy a brand of condoms, which is known for its durability and resistance. It is on this method of popular contraception, that often not only protected against pregnancy, as well as sexually transmitted diseases.

Although condoms are an effective method of control used by many births, there are many women and men who prefer not to use. If you are not interested in the management of the question of the birth and education of a child, it is important that you take the time to familiarize yourself with the other choices you have for birth control. Some of these options, described below, are those which may not be so well known or as popular as condoms, but usually they are equally effective.

Birth control pills are a hormonal form of birth control. Birth control pills require the adoption of a pill, every day of the month. Birth control pills are known as effective, always and when taken as directed. As with many other drugs, birth control pills are not ideal for smokers, can cause further health complications. With a wide selection of contraceptive pills, which remove her menstruation, include ensuring that you find something that can provide assistance.

Condoms and contraceptives, the most popular form of birth control is another hormonal method. This method of contraception is known as the Depo. The manufacture of Depo was a main fall and that you are connected to a poor calcium absorption. For this reason that many users of Depo are asked to take calcium supplements every day. What is good to take Depo is that it is not only effective in the prevention of pregnancy, but also in a three month program and periods tend to be a thing of the past.

Although it is not so popular that the condom, Depo and birth control pills, IUDS are also effective forms of birth control. IUDS are known as intrauterine devices. Intrauterine devices (IUDS) come in a number of different formats, but they are always designed to protect you against pregnancy. This is done either by use of a device of copper, which is espermicido, or that releases progestin.

The methods mentioned above of birth control are just some of the many that exist, but these birth control methods are designed to prevent pregnancy from the beginning. You are in an emergency situation, it is important to know that there a number of different options, including emergency contraception. These emergency contraception can be obtained through the Office of your doctor or your local pharmacy. Although it is able to provide assistance, it is important not to use or even as an emergency contraception abortion form control births. If this is what has made, has a set of problems to resolve.

As a reminder, above mentioned methods of contraception can all help to prevent pregnancy. In this spirit, the only method of control of the birth, at this time, it can protect from sexually transmitted diseases is a condom.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pregnancy: The importance of antenatal care

He has recently discovered that you are pregnant? If you have a home pregnancy test or your doctor has confirmed her pregnancy for you, you can meet a wide range of emotions. Emotions may include happiness, excitement, hope and fear.

When it comes to the birth of a child, including a first son, there are many mothers who have a number of different issues or concerns to be addressed. These questions and concerns can include money, an extra space of life, health and supplies layers baby and infant formula. Although he comes to all the questions and concerns to be addressed, something must be the priority. It is the health of you and your baby. The time where you learn that you are pregnant, you should start taking steps to receive antenatal care.

Although it is important to listen to that antenatal care is something to get immediately, there are many mothers, especially new mothers who are asking what is so important to do so. If it is a question, you are not alone. Some of the many reasons why an active call antenatal care during pregnancy, as described below.

You need to know is that antenatal care is important for the health of your baby, and their State of health. Although great importance to their development and their baby, prenatal care are also used to ensure that it is in good health, as well. Often it monitor your weight, your blood pressure and the increasing size of your stomach. It is one of the many reasons why should attend their appointments of antenatal care, which is important for your health and your baby.

Another reason why these issues are important, the quotations from antenatal care is because it can be used to determine if your baby will have medical conditions or complications when born. While many parents does not want to know, before time, there are many others who. It is important to know if your baby will have medical conditions, how you can help financially prepare complications and the parameters of life which must be carried out.

These reasons are some of the many reasons why it is important that you are looking for antenatal care during pregnancy. In addition to the monitoring of their health and your baby, also seek antenatal care is a fun, exciting and important experience. To attend their appointments of antenatal care, whether you be seeing a midwife, a gynecology or family medicine doctor, must be able to view a sonogram of the baby, as well as listen to your heart rate. These things are things that parents forget never.

Despite the importance of antenatal care, there are many pregnant women seeking not to him. This occurs by a number of different reasons. However, the most common reason is associated with money. If it is a currently uninsured, or if your insurance does not cover antenatal care, they can be affected by the cost of the same, that it should be. What you need to know, is that many health professionals would be more willing to work with, as with the creation of a payment plan. There are health centres, located throughout the country, which are designed for women with low incomes or without health insurance.

As noted above, antenatal care is extremely important for your health and your baby when she is pregnant. If their first child or third, it is important that you are looking for the amount of prenatal care. Pregnancy is one of the most important issues that will have to face in life and is very important that handled right.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Women's Beauty Aids

When it comes to women and beauty, the herbal industry has exploded with ideas and solutions.

As long as history records, women have wanted to enhance themselves and look as beautiful as possible. Nothing has changed, except fashions and technology.

What is it that makes a woman beautiful; her face, her figure, her personality, her clothes or her hair? Most of us have watched make-over shows on TV where a perfectly hideous woman is turned in a very short time into the sort of beauty that makes you turn to have a second look when you pass her in the street.

The first thing that attracts you to a person, or repels you, and the most difficult to change is personality. Most people have all the potential they need to become persons of good character and charming personality. Sometimes, however, life piles such a load of garbage on top that it is difficult to see the real person. This is a subject that we would no more touch on in this article; but often the other beauty factors, when they fall into place, do so much for the self esteem that the inner beauty starts to shine through.

Figure is the next most difficult beauty feature. However, here there is a whole lot you can do on your own with the minimum of help. You may find it really helpful to get together a moral support group to encourage you without criticism on those difficult days. There will be some. Whether you are overweight or not, you will need to do the same things to get your body looking its best.

This sounds hard to believe, but it is true and should give you great encouragement if you do happen to be overweight. People think they have to eat half as much and exercise twice as hard, but it is not true. You do have to expect it to take longer to reach your goal weight, but you should never stop! Keep eating healthily and exercising regularly and you will look wonderful, keep your vitality and have a really positive attitude.

This also sounds strange, but you don't eat right and exercise to lose weight! You do these things to get your metabolism burning efficiently and forget about the weight. It will come off by itself.

Your exercise should be balanced. Some cardio for your heart and a whole lot of resistance and/or weights to build lean muscle. If you just do cardio, running, etc, you will look like a string bean and run to fat the moment you stop. Lean muscle burns calories even when you are sitting watching TV!

Some women are thrilled about losing a lot of weight, but disappointed when their breasts shrink and sag. Don't despair.

There are herbal creams that firm and enhance and even increase the size of a woman's breasts. Before you use this type of remedy it would be wise to have a mammogram and check with your doctor that there are no hormonal issues in your body that might be affected.

Your hair is probably the simplest problem to sort out. Any competent hairdresser should be able to fix the hair. You get computer programs where you can paste a photograph of your face and try different hair styles and colours. You'll soon see what suits you.

Gone are the days when plastic surgery was the only answer for lines and wrinkles. Today there are hundreds of wonderful creams to remove, minimise or hide them. Make up does wonders. While make up needn't be invisible, it should never be more noticeable than the face. If it is so, you are hiding instead of enhancing your natural beauty.

Clothes are much the same as make up. If they draw attention to the person inside in a flattering way, they are doing their job. If they are the first thing (and sometimes the only thing) people notice about you, there is more hiding going on.

For natural herbal supplements visit http://www.yourpremiumherbal.com

Dream Essentials Snooz Silky Soft Sleep Mask - Black with free earplugs

Dream Essentials Snooz Silky Soft Sleep Mask - Black with free earplugsThe exclusive Sleep Mask from Dream Essentials is made from silky soft taffeta inside and out with cushioned filler and blackout fabric stitched within the body of the mask. The SnoozTM is no ordinary airline style sleep mask. Now featuring the Comfort BridgeTM for superior light blocking effectiveness around the nose area and cushioning the eyes without pressure. Mask secures around the head with dual elastic straps for added comfort. Make sure you are purchasing an authentic Dream Essentials product. Care: Hand wash in cool water. Lay flat to dry.

Click here to buy from Amazon

Women's Fitness Magazines

If you are new to fitness, reading a few women's fitness magazines would be a great resource to help you kickstart your fitness program. I should note that not all fitness magazines are the same. Some of them focus more on nutrition, others focus more on workout programs, health and beauty or supplements, etc.

If you're interested in women's fitness magazines that concentrate more on workout programs, I highly recommend Oxygen Magazine. Oxygen is a monthly magazine and they typically have special issues throughout the year that are available. I love Oxygen because they have a variety of workout programs in each monthly issue.

Another great women's fitness magazine is Muscle and Fitness Hers. This is for the female who is serious about getting in shape. There is absolutely no fluff in this magazine at all. M & F Hers also has a variety of workout programs as well as information about different supplements for active females.

Other fitness magazines available include Fitness, Self and Shape. While they do offer some great fitness tips, they also have health and beauty information in them. Personally, if I wanted health and beauty tips, I'd buy Cosmo, Seventeen or some other beauty magazine.

So after reading this article, I hope that I have helped you decide which women's fitness magazine sounds like it will work for you the best. I have read them all and I highly favor Oxygen and Muscle and Fitness Hers for the female that is serious about her workout program, building muscle and staying healthy.

For more information on women's fitness magazines and women's fitness tips please visit http://www.melindasfitnessblog.com.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Women's Health Magazine

Many people read magazines these days and deciding which ones to choose can be a challenge, one popular magazine for women is women's Health. This magazine is popular amongst all age groups and offers something for every reader. Women's Health is affordable, informative and is a household name.

Women's Health was founded in 1981 and has changed hand a couple of times over the years; it has however kept the same image. Women's Health has an estimated circulation of over six million readers, and this is growing daily. The magazine has great reviews and can save you money by not having to buy all the latest products, you can read about them and find out exactly what you want to know. It focuses on several topics including diet, fashion tips and recipes; the magazine also focuses on health issues that are relevant to women. Since 1999 the magazine has hosted its own annual beauty awards and has become the place to read what beauty products deserve your hard earned money.

The magazine is now available online so you can read up on all your favorite bits without worrying you will miss something. The magazine is so informative and women are learning more and more regarding their health and fitness, this enables them to make choices them self. They also are thinking about their readers when they are being written, they are not paid to endorse one particular product. This enables them to be totally independent and advise the readers about all products fairly and independently. The recipe ideas are simple and cost effective meals that all mums and wives would be able to try.

Although the magazine should not substitute going to see a doctor, the health section is very informative. You can often read about many different ailments in women's health and they will be able to answer general enquiries and questions you may have. It also deals with problems that you may have never even heard about, and they are very interesting to read. The magazine is an ideal place for new mothers to look for advice on bringing up children. This task can be daunting and women's health can guide you and advise you regarding every element of their upbringing. They will write articles on all of those questions that you may have been too scared to ask, and will enable you to deal with your children's problems in your own way.

Whatever reason you decide to purchase Women's Health you will continue to do so and the best way to ensure you never miss a copy is to subscribe to it. This will guarantee your copy is waiting for you every time, and then you can sit down and take time to read your favorite magazine. You will pass the information on to your friends and family and they too will soon be enjoying reading this great magazine in no time at all. With all of the vast choice of magazines today you know that you want to

Graeme Olsen writes for Magazine Central, specializing in magazine subscriptions for popular titles.

Look Better Naked: The 6-week plan to your leanest, hottest body--ever!

Look Better Naked: The 6-week plan to your leanest, hottest body--ever!

Look Better Naked is a diet, exercise, beauty, and self-confidence plan from the editor-in chief of Womenâ??s Health, the magazine that knows how to speak to women in a smart, inspiring way. The book offers expert tips and simple plans for reshaping a womanâ??s body quickly and easily. It reveals the powerfoods a woman should put on her plate every day and has a workout plan that delivers results in just 15 minutes a day. The plan also helps a woman:

â?¢ flatten her belly

â?¢ tone her legs

â?¢ tighten her butt

â?¢ improve her skin and hair

A womanâ??s posture, her pride, her personal power â??they all go together. Look Better Naked shows a woman how to be the best possible version of herself that she can be.

Price: $25.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Women's Issues - Tips for Healthy Living

Women of all ages should visit their gynecologists for an annual physical examination to maintain optimum health. If they are sexually active, their annual physical should include a Pap smear test, which is a test that detects cervical cancer. The Pap smear has played an enormous role in decreasing the cervical cancer rate among young women. In addition, women between the ages of 40 and 50 should include mammograms along with their annual physicals. When women cross the age 50, they should include testing for colorectal cancer along with their physical examination.

Parents especially mothers, should teach their adolescent daughters about self-examination for breast cancer. Early awareness helps young women detect breast cancer in the early stages. All women should follow the below mentioned tips for healthy living. Mothers should follow these as well as educate their daughters about healthy lifestyles, so both mother and child grow to have healthier and longer lives.

Women of all ages need the mineral calcium in their body. Research suggests that the Post Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) including cramps can be reduced by 50% if proper calcium supplementation is followed. Osteoporosis after menopause can also be reduced drastically if proper daily calcium supplementation is followed. The menopausal women can reduce hot flashes and night sweats by taking vitamin E 400-800 mg per day. This also helps them protect their immune system and cardiovascular health.

If a woman is considering having children, then folic acid supplementation reduces the chances of them giving birth babies with birth defects. Stress is also one of the major factors that affect women's health. Research has shown that women can add few more healthy years to their life by finding ways to reduce stress. One of the proven ways to reduce stress is practicing yoga for 20 - 30 minutes a day.

The chances of having hormonal imbalance increases after a woman reaches the age 30, so if you are at this age range, talk to your doctor so that he/she can recommend a prescription for over the counter hormone supplements. Visits to dentists should also be done once in at least six months to keep your mouth clean and maintain your beautiful smile to help you look younger. Quit or avoid smoking completely, as well as drinking alcohol. Try to drink at least eight ounces of water everyday. Drinking water prevents your body from dehydration and helps flush the impurities from the body. When going out in the sun use proper sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful rays of the sun, potential skin cancer, and heat strokes. Unless you are in a single healthy relationship, always use a condom and practice safe sex. This helps reduce the chances of developing cervical cancer and other sexually transmitted diseases. Also, try to integrate exercise for 20-30 minutes everyday to lessen your chances of developing heart related illnesses while giving you more energy everyday.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Women's Issues [http://women-issues-guide.com]

Conair NE150NSCS Cordless Nose and Ear Hair Trimmer

Conair NE150NSCS Cordless Nose and Ear Hair TrimmerLet's discuss something no one wants to talk about: ear and nose hair. It's simply a reality of life that, as we age, hair in these places can become longer and thicker. Despite the fact that no one wants to talk about it, unsightly hair doesn't go unnoticed; each of us can remember the dentist we had as a child, whose nose hair we'd gaze at as our teeth were worked on. Conair's cordless nose and ear hair trimmer can help you avoid becoming like that dentist. Engineered to safely cut hair in nostrils and ears, this trimmer's sheathed stainless-steel blades eliminate the painful risk of using scissors. Simply insert the tip of the trimmer and let it do its thang. Then we'll never have to discuss this topic again, will we? Two-year warranty. --Ariel Meadow Stallings

Price: $12.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Women's Magazines - Subscribe Today For Beauty Tips and Cooking Recipes

If you want to give a facelift to your daily life, impress your husband and children with new recipes, want to look good, be the reason of envy to your neighbors for your stylish home d?cor, give your children the best nutrition and want to earn some extra money in the free time that you have, then do subscribe to a weekly or monthly woman's magazine. The new age magazines are not only about celebrity gossips and romantic stories, but they really are edited in a manner to suit and fulfill your daily requirements.

It is often not possible for the women today to know all about domestic life, what with so much of the time devoted to the professional life. Nor is it possible to follow every golden rule passed on to you by your mother and grandmother because, well meant though they might be, they often pose to be impractical in the modern lifestyle. Subscribing to a good woman's magazine will help you in all these aspects. A good magazine will give you all the necessary tips, right from providing first- aid to taking care of your pet, to how to save money from household expenses, to recycling products in daily life. You will become an expert home manager, who will be conveniently managing both her family and professional life with equal ease.

There are some leading woman's magazines in the world today and if you think that they are international magazines and you may not be able to subscribe to them, then you are wrong. It was true that this was a problem even a few years back, but online subscription has even removed this hurdle. Now it is possible for you to subscribe to any magazine and they will be available at your doorstep. And you will find a whole vista open to you, with international experts sharing their opinion with you. Also, these magazines bring you the latest news on any topic, and the latest products available in the market.

There are some leading women's magazines in the world today and some of them are Cleo, Ebony, Cosmopolitan, Curve, Femina, Family Circle; House Beautiful, Good Housing, Flare, Glamour, The Lady, House Keeping, Woman's Weekly, Women's Health, Elle, and many more. The magazines range from glamour, house keeping, beauty tips, health issues and almost every other aspect of a woman's life. You can either subscribe to these magazines in a weekly or monthly basis, or any other subscription that the magazine provides for. You may not find the right kind of magazine at the vary first instance, but a quick browsing through their respective websites will give you a fair idea about their contents.

For more information on womens magazines [http://www.magazine-group.co.uk/magazine/womens-interest], check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the woman's magazines [http://www.magazine-group.co.uk/magazine/womens-interest]!

Women's Secrets To A Successful Home Business

Five successful women entrepreneurs reveal their keys to success

Women are the strongest influence in the network marketing industry and to even question the influence women have in this industry would be totally ridiculous. Women make up 87% of all persons in the industry. Women bring so much more to network marketing and direct marketing than just numbers though. Women are great at creative marketing, teaching others the necessary skills needed for success. Women are also great achievers; they implement marketing strategies with clear objectives and personal power. Women use there natural nurturing abilities to build strong and lasting business relationships.

Men have an equal opportunity for success in the direct marketing industry, and some may even use some of the same skills as women in a home based business, but women have many unique challenges that men don't have. We have personal women issues, pregnancy, emotional changes, hormones, building a family, being a wife and a mom, at times leaving there children with a babysitter while the child cries for mom not to leave. All while building a career, these are changes men in general don't have any idea about, or what its like to deal with all these issues at one time.

We women overcome these challenges and are still very successful. For years women have had to choose a career or family, or attempt to juggle both. Now there is a better choice for women. Direct Marketing opens the door for women to have a successful professional career and still have the family and family time desired. Since women are naturally multi task orientated the women presented here are able to spend quality time with children and family, fun activities and time to bring in the big bucks with their home businesses. Never having to leave our families, we can be the mom and wife we desire to be and still have time for ourselves.

In the direct marketing industry there are principles that are key factors to building and achieving a successful home business and preventing a home business failure. Home business failure comes when people quit. If the company your working with goes under don't go under with it, restructure Your Business, and continue to pursue your "why", your big picture results. You must overcome all adversity and obstacles that get in the way of your path to success. You have to identify the lifestyle you want to live and what you're willing to do to make it happen for yourself. You have to identify your desires, what are you focused on obtaining as a result of having a successful home based business. What do you truly want to accomplish with your life?

What is your passion that moves you to take action? Personal growth and personal development are very necessary in growing yourself personally and financially. Always striving forward with persistence, but balance your life, it becomes an exciting adventure expanding your personal potential to the fullest. Women who balance a home business, home, family and still make time for themselves are more diligent than other without balance. I want to share the personal stories of 5 incredible women who are successful in the Direct Marketing Industry, including myself. All these women work as apart of a large team leading and teaching each other to be successful in there own personal businesses, as well as enjoy all the time they desire with there families and personal lives.

Jody, Ontario

After having been blessed with a healthy little girl I made a decision that I needed to find an opportunity that would allow me to be home and raise my daughter. I am a social worker (M.S.W), had a career in child protection for 18 years and did not want my child babysat or warehoused in a daycare. I found the direct sales industry in Sept. 2005 and attached myself with some successful entrepreneurs who guided me through the process. As someone driven by success there was no reason to not embrace this opportunity. The learning curve was great as I was not familiar with the language or marketing, web design, etc. I juggled a full time job, parenting, private practice, being a wife...and managed my home. I did it because I was focused on obtaining what I desperately wanted - to be able to enjoy everyday with my daughter. I have always been goal driven and have never "settled" in my life for anything less than what I deserved. I am in a very privileged position where I can empower people everyday to make life changing decisions - I believe this is just an extension of what I have always done in the social work profession - help people! To success and changing lives!

Mona, British Columbia

I guess being an entrepreneur is in my blood - I watched my father grow a million dollar enterprise from scratch, with very little education - a lot of hard work and focus. Take all the good from that and learn to eliminate the limiting beliefs - that work has to be hard for example and there is a recipe for success.

I believe - persistent would be the best word to describe me. Coming from my background in the beauty industry - I enjoyed the creative side more than the business side. However I learned that there are definitely things you have to put your attention on in order to be successful in any business. First for me I have to feel very strongly about what I represent. The products and the company. I have to know that I am going to leave people with a lot more in use value than they pay in dollar value. Then I can put my head on the pillow at night and sleep well. Then of course I feel success requires the right environment - the right supportive environment - one where you are encouraged and supported in your training and skill set on an on going basis. And then on top of all of that, personal accountability is required. I am human just like the rest of us and when things have come up in my life that are challenging I have been good at resisting, denial and procrastinating...but truly facing the challenge or obstacle head on and learning from it creates the best personal growth and advancement.

By putting all of these things together, with the company I represent and the team of professionals, like minded individuals I do business along side of everyday - gives me the perfect environment for success. As a work in progress I still have mountains to climb - but I also have the best tools by my side.P.s. Hiring a personal coach, has been a great tool for me in my tool kit and I highly recommend this to anyone wanting to reach great heights.

Irene, Ontario

I'm sitting on my chaise lounge in my beautiful outdoor room. The sun is blanketing me as I experience the nature that surrounds me in my own back yard. The time.....11am! Can you believe it! I am blessed to have found the opportunity to help me create the life I want rather than living the life that was happening to me. Did you catch that? HAPPENING TO ME! I now create my life through me. Total control. Very empowering. When others are complaining about the work week, deadlines, the negative employers, I have enthusiasm, inspiration, and desire to assist others to follow my lead. I love to connect with others from my heart and offer them this opportunity to "reinvent themselves" as I have done.

My personal growth and self development has truly been miraculous. I have come from a place where I had lost myself, my identity to what was expected of me, to empowering myself to choose my path, design my perfect life. As a mother of 3 beautiful daughters I am so grateful that I have been able to show them they can be the creators of their destiny, that abundance abounds and being prosperous is a decision. This is the greatest gift I will ever pass on to them. Passion moves people to action and they have traveled this journey with me through my passion to provide a life of freedom and joy for them. That has been and always will be why I started my own business. I have shown them the courage to follow their dreams without judgment, to be free to make choices and to be connected to their inner guide. As George Eliot says "It is never too late to become what you might have been!"

Carol, Utah

I have been in direct marketing for a little over a year. I began looking for something to generate an income that would replace the exceptional income that I was accustom to making. I had been in medical office management for 25 years but was ready for a change. I was working more hours than I was at home, and then was expected to be available the remaining hours. The Health Care Field being the ever changing field it is, created more demands on my time and lifestyle. I then, adopted two very young granddaughters and felt a greater importance to be home. So began the search. I have found much more with Direct Sales than just a great income opportunity. I found myself. I found that life is about joy. It is about service. It is about support of one another. It is about reaching beyond ones limits, or perceived limits and finding character, self esteem and peace. I am grateful every day for this experience as well as my association with others in this industry. Today laughter is no longer a foreign sound to my ears.

Mari, Washington

After graduation I went to work in the telecommunications industry, soon after starting my career technology took over the industry I lost my job, At the time I was very devastated, and didn't know the true blessing it was. I became a domestic engineer I had such convictions and passion to my new career and I was so appreciated for the great job I performed. But I soon learned that I had the most demanding and underpaid career in America. I definitely needed more in my life but I wasn't willing to give up my family I love and adore being with everyday.

My husband found The Direct Marketing Industry on the internet one day and introduced it to me. Wow its every thing I every wanted in a business, I don't have to give up my family for a career, I have become very successful in my new business and the greatest part is I am partners with my wonderful husband and we are honored to work side by side a few hours a day. The rest of my time I spend at Karate, Soccer, Fishing, Camping, or just what ever we decide we want to do.

With the knowledge, mindset, skill set and financial opportunities I've gotten from this home business opportunity I will never have to work for someone else again. Balancing family, fun, and our home business time is important to having a successful home based business, it can be done with little effort. We do what we want when we want and if we choose our business goes with us. My favorite part is I will never miss a moment of my daughter's life and no one else will raise her. We get to spend great quality time together doing fun stuff, especially watching the sunsets together. I couldn't ask for anything more.

I would like to thank these awesome women entrepreneurs for helping me share five principles needed to be developed and maintained for a successful home based business.

Mari Taylor has a strong passion for life, her spirit and faith persist without exception. Mari Taylor runs http://www.home-business-lifestyle.com just one of the successful home business opportunities of Lifestyle Opportunities LLC., where she is a Co-owner. Mari takes a leadership role when assisting entrepreneurs with home based business start-up, marketing, growth, and profits. ? Copyright 2007 Mari Taylor all rights reserved

By Mari Taylor

Are you ready to live life on your terms?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuscan Soul Eau De Toilette Spray 4.2 Oz For Women

Tuscan Soul Eau De Toilette Spray 4.2 Oz For WomenCreated in 2008 as a Citrus/Woody fragrance , it is a vibrant and energetic scent for both men and women. The master perfumer Pierre Bourdon created this fragrance to represent the Italian sensibility, with notes of bergamot, tomato leaf, petit grain, magnolia blossom, orange blossom, iris flower and fig tree blended with Sicilian and Calabrian citrus accords.

Price: $105.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

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